After the Future Warrior fixes history and are celebrating their success, Chronoa informs them that Trunks has fully recovered and is awake. Future Trunks attained this powerful transformation during his final confrontation with Goku Black and Future Zamasu, causing Trunks to awaken a new energy inside of him. [15] Gohan tries his best to teach Trunks how to become a Super Saiyan as well, necessary for him to compete against the Androids' might. Yamcha asks Trunks if he is sure that there is only one Time Machine, and Trunks replies that he is. Later when Towa and Mira appear while the Future Warrior is fighting with Turles and Lord Slug, Trunks arrives to aid the current him and tells his partner, the Toki Toki City Hero to go after Mira. Demigra is unable to control Goku due to him having previously obtained the Super Saiyan God form and is defeated. The cocky androids foolishly underestimate Trunks and try to rush him. Later, when Future Trunks arrived in the past Goku and Vegeta assumed that it was Majin Buu who had defeated him. ***It was submitted by Hadrian Finitsis, 57 years old. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Trunks yells at Krillin to do like he says and give Goku a Senzu Bean, and if they all attack Cell together, then he will definitely win. For a minute, Trunks incessantly pulled on Future Trunks' hair. His body became too bulky and slow from the large quantity of muscle, and this gave Cell the upper hand, despite not even having powered up and slightly below Trunks in brute strength (In the anime, the fight between Future Trunks and Cell is expanded on greatly. Suddenly, Cell's barrier flashes blindingly bright and explodes. Krillin asks Bulma for the machine's exact location, and Bulma tells him the coordinates. Lagss counters with an attack from below ground but Goku pushes him out of the way and takes the attack instead. Android 18, Android 16 and Krillin all panic, and Cell flies toward them. They also have quite a bit of personality differences; while Present Trunks is cocky and arrogant like his father, Future Trunks is not, taking more after his mother Bulma. He has his father's eye shape, facial features and tanned skin and his hair turns blond and eyes turn (pupil-less) green when he becomes a Super Saiyan. The three fire a combined Kamehameha at the Bio-Android, who then attempts to escape, but Goten and Trunks fuse into Gotenks and defeat Cell with one attack. And I promise that will not be repeated here!" Future Trunks and the others watched as Goku used the button to summon Future Zeno, as Gowasu and Shin bowed down, while Future Trunks questioned who he was and is surprised to hear from Bulma he is the most eminent god in the universe. Bulma then found a capsule and opens it, revealing the Time Machine that Cell came in from the future. Cell taunts him for relying only on brute force, then transforms into a bulky Powerhouse form of his own (the result of Cell taking on the Super Saiyan Third Grade form as well) to mockingly demonstrate that anyone can take on such a form and explains that without speed, the transformation is useless. Future Trunks as a Super Saiyan Second Grade. In the manga, after Future Shin unlocked his dormant power with the ritual, Future Trunks became able to effortlessly wield the Z Sword. Future Trunks returns not long after to take a swipe at Fused Zamasu but misses. First, Gohan takes back the stolen bag of Senzu Beans from Cell and then effortlessly defeats the Cell Juniors with simple, yet powerful blows. After Hearts re-appears and kills Zamasu, Trunks attempts to face him along with the others but is taken down multiple times with ease. In return, Kid Trunks gives Future Trunks a Time Machine that Bulma had given him so that Future Trunks can go back to his time. Cell has found you!". Future Trunks then goes to train with Vegeta in a gravity chamber. Undaunted, Vegeta declares that he will ascend beyond a Super Saiyan and defeat the androids himself before leaving. After Cell's defeat, the deceased Future Trunks is taken to The Lookout where he is revived by Shenron, along with everyone else killed by Cell. Debuts Later Super Saiyan Future Trunks is easily defeated by Cunber. Birth Date Future Gohan hails from the true … Trunks, angry at his father, decides to beat down Cell while he still has a chance and charges at Cell. Trunks calls Cell's statement a bluff and charges. That way I could go back to the future. Back in Age 852, history is revealed to have successfully been corrected. He then goes outside where Krillin and Piccolo are cleaning up the mess from the battle and asks them where Gohan is, thinking maybe he should take Gohan to the future as well. By the time Present Trunks was born, the timeline had been altered by Future Trunks' and Cell's trips to the past. This pushes Future Trunks's rage over the limit and causes him to transform into Super Saiyan Rage. Future Trunks was also able to best Goku Black in a sword duel, send him flying back with an attack, and also just survive Super Saiyan Rosé Goku Black's fully charged Black Kamehameha. He and Chronoa appear in a recruitment video for Time Patrol and explain the dangers that come with altering history and why Time Patrollers are forbidden from altering history the way Future Trunks did. In the finale of Dragon Ball Xenoverse, Demigra possess Future Trunks in order to have him fight against the Future Warrior. Trunks watches as Goku battles both Kamin and Oren. Trunks takes action by grabbing Cell's tail and swinging him around in a circle, building up momentum, and then hurling him high into the air. He returns to use this transformation during his training with Vegeta, and later several times against Goku Black and Future Zamasu. Future Trunks and present Trunks in Dragon Ball Super. In the manga, during his early days of training, even as a Super Saiyan, Future Trunks was unable to defeat base Future Gohan. Three times if one counts Time Patrol Trunks saving his mentor Future Gohan from dying in Age 780 in the, Trunks has fought with and defeated a version of every major villain from, Future Trunks holds the rank of "Commander" by Earth's Resistance in his timeline, and Time Patrol Trunks is referred to as both Captain and Commander of the Time Patrol in the. kick him into the air, then follow up with an elbow smash to his back, driving him into the ground. Goku remarks that he and Vegeta took a long time. Eventually, the timeline is restored when Cell absorbs Android 17 as he had in the original timeline. Singles of his have included "Flex!" Directory: Characters → Earthlings with Saiyan blood → Dragon Team → Alternate Timeline, "Hurts, doesn't it? Goku asks Future Trunks if it was Majin Buu who fought him, but Future Trunks explains that with Future Shin's assistance, he killed Dabura and Babidi, and prevented Majin Buu from resurrecting. Future Trunks (Super Saiyan/Base) and Cooler (Golden Cooler) vs. Future Trunks (Super Saiyan) vs. Cumber (Golden Great Ape), Future Trunks and Vegeta vs. Cumber (Golden Great Ape). Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. In his Battle Zone, he engages in a fight with a mysterious alien named Kogu. When Frieza is revived, he announces to his soldiers that he will not be satisfied until Goku and Future Trunks have both been killed, and Sorbet informs Frieza that they haven't been able to locate Future Trunks in all this time. Afterwards, when Paragus arrived on Earth and requested that Vegeta become the king of the revived Saiyan Empire, and help the South Area by defeating the Legendary Super Saiyan, Future Trunks expressed suspicion, trying to tell Vegeta not to go. "The Coming of King Cold" He is then rushed onto a gurney, where Trunks gets to see him, and is shocked by Future Trunks' arrival. During Goku's fight with Kamioren, Future Trunks and the other members of the Dragon Team assist Goku by launching an energy barrage against the merged Neo Machine Mutant. He tells Mai to go ahead of him, giving her the energy and drawing his sword as he rushes in to engage Black. The Spirit of Goku is Forever!". In the game, while in his base form and wearing ki-sealing handcuffs Future Trunks is able to defeat final form Cooler. Stubborn and arrogant as ever, Vegeta says he won't need Trunks or Goku and after he goes back in the Time Chamber, he will defeat Perfect Cell on his own. His strength increases drastically to the point Vegeta says that Future Trunks is only a little bit weaker than him. Black steps out of the shadows to tell Trunks that he is next. He has blue eyes, and hair colored either lavender, purple or blue depending on the media, that is soft and straight that parts from the top of his head to frame both sides of his face reaching his ears with two loose strands over his forehead; traits he inherited from his mother. -Acharyap28 Although Future Trunks' power was enough to deal significant damage to Cell, Future Trunks simply kept increasing his power, unaware that his speed was greatly decreasing and his energy consumption greatly augumented to a point where sustaining the state would prove to be a problem. As they fly, Krillin calls Bulma who then relates to Trunks how a farmer found a strange Capsule Corporation vehicle out in the wilderness, and asked for the company's help to operate it. While Trunks appears to be marked from the battle and exhausted, Future Trunks showed no sign of exhaustion at all. Trunks next task is fixing the altered history with Janemba and goes to Hell where he is confronted by Dark Super Janemba and a mysterious Masked Saiyan but their power is too much for him. He is paired with Usopp, and when his team chooses to attend Shenron's tea party, he mentions that they were originally supposed to battle with the Dr. Gero Sky Pirates. Therefore, the two. During the final battle against Hatchiyak, he proved far too powerful for them, until they combined their strongest attacks in a beam struggle against the Tuffle (with Future Trunks performing the Burning Attack). You don't believe in anything but yourself and we won't let you win! You know what's funny about the future? Later Trunks discovers that Mira is planning to join the Cell Games and decides to join the Future Warrior in confronting him. The power of believing in something bigger than just you!" Later in the manga, when the Tournament of Power was soon to begin, Goku voiced his dismay that Future Trunks had already left, hoping to have recruited him to Team Universe 7. Several characters, such as Goku, Krillin and Bulma, remark how much Trunks resembles Vegeta. During a day of training, a nearby city is attacked by the androids. He notes that this timeline is different, and Gohan asks why. Goku comments that Future Trunks is stronger than Gohan was during the fight with Cell, and Future Trunks says that he has been training every day since he returned to the future 10 years ago. Piccolo disagrees with Trunks, because Gohan was not as strong as he used to be, and told Future Trunks he "wasn't the same Gohan he knew". Future Trunks and Teen Gohan head off, eventually finding Majin Vegeta who has just been defeated by Ultimate Gohan. Future Trunks (Super Saiyan), Vegeta (Super Saiyan), Piccolo, and Tien Shinhan vs. Future Trunks, Goku, Gohan, and Krillin vs. Android 17 and Android 18. By the time we are introduced to the pair of Androids, over three fourths of the world's population has been eliminated due to their spree of destruction. After Bulma asks him what happened, Future Trunks is relieved that he had made it to the past. This is often mixed with disgust and horror towards his father's uncaring attitude towards those around him, especially when Vegeta refused to save Bulma and baby Trunks when Dr. Gero blows up their capsule airplane, forcing Future Trunks to save his present counterpart and mother. Trunks first displays this in Dragon Ball Super on his second encounter with Black shooting a Masenko at him to distract Black so Trunks could flee to the past. Always on edge. The force from the blow shatters the barrier but Goku as a Super Saiyan 3 caught the blade without much effort then proceeded to overpower the young Saiyan. Future Trunks suddenly rushes out of his bed and attempts to attack Goku in anger, much to Goku's confusion. What about the others? `인조인간 셀` 이야기에 등장한 미래의 트랭크스는 시간의 계왕의 의뢰를 받아 `시간의 경찰` 역할을 할 예정이다." Goku, speaking through King Kai, tells them that the world will be better off if he remains in the afterlife, because his presence seems to attract bad guys. Consumed by his anger, Future Trunks stand back up and takes on a completely new form never seen before, shocking everyone. Trunks then descends to face Cell, who's impressed by how much power he had buried in him. Trunks has either blue or lavender hair color and his mother's blue eyes. However, in Super, both Future Trunks and Present Trunks meet and greet each other when Bulma explains the former's situation. Trunks asks how they should go about promoting the Hero Colosseum but she states that is their job. Your email address will not be published. Hearts (Ultimate), Future Trunks, Piccolo, Android 17, Hit, and Jiren vs. As a result, Trunks acts as the Future Warrior mission controller, communicating with them from the Time Nest though occasionally joins them in the field such as during the fight with Mira in a wasteland during the Cell Games, as Mira and Towa originate from a different timeline and as a result fighting them will not effect history. The first is when he went back in time to save Goku from the heart virus and killing Frieza and King Cold as well, drastically altering the course of the future. Cell is certainly impressed by Trunks' magnificent power, even greater than his own, but assures him that he will not win the battle. Despite his close attachment to Future Gohan, Future Trunks does not seem particularly concerned with his his present timeline counterpart. In his rage, and ignoring Trunks' warning, Krillin attacks Cell, who isn't harmed in the slightest. Also, in killing Frieza he avenged the deaths of his. However while the Future Warrior is away, Demigra escapes the Crack of Time and attacks Toki Toki City and absorbs Tokitoki granting him power over time and space. The beam sends Black flying through the forest, through his own hideout and straight into a mountain, where he appears be unconscious. Future Trunks meets the God of Destruction. Future Trunks fixes the jar and proceeded to learned the sealing technique, while Bulma leaves to distract Zamasu in order to buy time. Goku volunteers to go first, much to Trunks' confusion, but Krillin suggests they let the clueless, arrogant Mr. Satan go first, not caring if he gets killed and there's no point in explaining the superhuman abilities most Earthlings don't know about. After narrowly avoiding a large explosion, he is able to make it back to Future Mai in an underground shelter. The Warrior fights alongside Majin Buu against Beerus. The two artificial lifeforms enter into the wounds of Kale and Caulifla and possess them, after the Tuffleized Caulifla takes down Hit, she goes after Future Trunks, who asks his father what they should do. Trunks says his mother will contact Mr. Satan about the commercial though Mr. Satan sarcastically suggests he might be too busy having lost a battle against the Future Warrior. Over the course of the next thirteen years, Gohan becomes Future Trunks' mentor and trains him in everything he knows, also teaching him swordsmanship. Future Trunks wonders where the energy is coming from, it turned out to be from Gohan and Piccolo in the main timeline; Trunks, Goku, and Pan in the GT timeline; Future Gohan and a bewildered Teen Future Trunks in an undetermined future timeline, and Trunks in the Time Nest is Age 852. Future Trunks, Goku, and Vegeta, signaled Black to their location. Vegeta, however, is anxious and ready to go back in the chamber, but Piccolo tells him that he should rest because its his turn next. He watches as the Future Warrior confronts Dark Android 17 alongside Piccolo, indicating that there were further changes to the timeline than they were aware of and warns that Cell would become even more powerful if he were to absorb Dark 17, ordering them to dispel the enchantment before Cell arrives. Examples include suggesting that Goku eat a Senzu Bean during his fight against Perfect Cell, attempting to destroy present Androids 17 and 18 before they could be activated, tries to attack Cell while transforming and immediately destroy his oppositions without wasting any time. Future Trunks achieves this transformation in Dragon Ball Heroes, introduced since the third mission of the original series (M3). Future Trunks and Future Mai bid farewell to their friends. His facial expression is sharpened, and the color of his eyes turns a bright emerald green. In the manga, he revealed he could enhance his Super Saiyan 2 power to practically equal Goku's Super Saiyan 3 power. All seven warriors arrive at the Cell Games arena, and are joined by the already present Vegeta and Android 16. Future Trunks manages to prevent Black from destroying the time machine as it disappears, then proceeds to fight against them. He also becomes much closer to It is unknown how Future Trunks would react to meeting Future Trunks was born on March 3rd, 766 A.D. as the son of Vegeta and Bulma. However, Piccolo's sensitive Namekian ears pick up the conversation, and while he doesn't reveal any information about Trunks, Piccolo tells the Z Fighters of the future, inspiring the heroes to train their hardest for the next three years. Gohan wonders if what was in the egg made the hole in the window. Future Trunks (Super Saiyan Rage), Goku (Super Saiyan Blue), & Vegeta (Super Saiyan Blue), vs. Future Trunks (Super Saiyan Rage) vs. Fused Zamasu (Half-Corrupted/Huge Final Stage). In the crossover manga Cross Epoch, Future Trunks appears aboard Captain Vegeta's flying ship as a member of the Vegeta Sky Pirates. It's his spiky updo that makes him appear a … "You think this life is all about you, don't you? In Xenoverse 2 as part of the Super Pack 4 DLC, the Sword of Hope appears as a Ultimate Skill that functions like a transformation for Future Trunks. In Dragon Ball Z: Shin Budokai - Another Road, Future Trunks is able to defeat Future Dabura, and later states that he could destroy Future Good Buu, showing that he had become far more powerful than during the Cell Games. Trunks and the Future Warrior return to Age 852 and Chronoa thanks the warrior for stopping Trunks and he apologizes for being careless. Bulma and Future Mai return with the time machine and what was left of Future Trunks's sword; staring at the blade, Future Trunks begins to hear everyone cheering for him and telling him not to give up. His sword also turned into the Sword of Hope - a white sword with light blue edges, larger in size and in the shape of a greatsword. Officially stated in the Daizenshuu 7: Dragon Ball Encyclopedia, Vegeta's height is listed as 5'5", making him one of the shorter extraterrestrial warriors in the Z-Fighters. Trunks' favorite food is convenience store bento. Trunks tells Mai that their mission is to survive no matter what it takes. Anime Debut When Future Trunks heads to find Goku and Vegeta, he is confronted by Gotenks who believes he is a fake created by Janemba. He is almost killed by Bujin and Bido, but is saved by his father. In the TV special The History of Trunks, Future Trunks transforms for the first time after seeing his mentor Future Gohan killed at the hands of the androids in his timeline. After regrowing his arm, Cell prepares to end his battle with Vegeta. Years later, Future Trunks would return in Dragon Ball Super, this time fighting against a mysterious entity referred to as Goku Black (and later his counterpart) wreaking havoc in the future. After hearing Goku talk, Future Trunks realizes that it is actually Goku, and wonders how he is alive after dying at the Cell Games. Future King Vegeta (paternal grandfather)Future Dr. Brief (maternal grandfather)Future Panchy (maternal grandmother)Future Vegeta (father)Future Bulma (mother)Vegeta (father, present timeline)Bulma (mother, present timeline)Future Mai (girlfriend) Enter Trunks, the only surviving warrior in the Dragonball Z future.Armed with strength, compassion, and courage, Trunks is a man worthy of praise from even the mightiest of fighters, including Goku, and Trunks' father, Vegeta. Future Trunks bows to his father and vows once again to not only defeat Black but to surpass him. Eventually Future Trunks in Ginyu's body joins the fight against Ginyu and Jeice. Movie Debut Upon arriving Future Trunks finds Future Mai's hat and Goku is shot at by the resistance thinking that Goku is Black. Future GohanVegetaFuture Shin. Vegeta agrees to go in with Trunks as long as they can use it first, which Goku agrees with. The trio and Mai then head outside, and the three depart in search of Black. Dragon Ball Z Future Gohan is showcased as a twenty-three-year-old man and is depicted as the mentor of Future Trunks. Initially, Future Trunks is both shocked and confused, however, Android 18 reveals she even has a child with Krillin which surprises Future Trunks even more (apparently unaware that despite being an "android", Android 18 can produce an offspring), Android 18 approaches him and gives Future Trunks a friendly fist, to his anxiety Android 18 tells Future Trunks that she heard about him destroying her future timeline counterpart, and demands Future Trunks to pay, but Android 18 is just joking and rejoins Krillin and their daughter, to his slight relief, Future Trunks looks at Android 18 happy together with her family with an awkward look on his face, and goes on to check on his mother. However, Future Trunks does have some qualities typical of Saiyans, especially before he went into the past. However inadvertently, Trunks' revelation of the future alters it slightly. ", Future Trunks easily deflects an attack from a soldier in King Cold's army. Having lived in an alternate timeline filled with terror, death and destruction, Future Trunks underwent intense training from his mentor Future Gohan. Trunks and his partner successfully locate Goku training at King Kai's place and the original Future Warrior informs him of the tournament transporting him there just as the current Future Warrior has passed their exam. The next morning, Future Trunks, Gohan, Krillin, and Master Roshi revealed to Vegeta of Paragus' deception about New Planet Vegeta, bringing the slaves to confirm it. In the Dragon Ball Super anime, Future Trunks achieves an extremely powerful enhancement to the Super Saiyan 2 form. Smoke flies around the cringing fighters and Cell emerges from the dust in his new form. Therefore, the two. Refresh your wardrobe with the Next range of men's trunks and multipacks, featuring designer labels. Mira appears and joins the Masked Saiyan to confront the two Time Patrollers. Chronoa later reveals that 75 Million years ago, Demigra tried to steal the divine bird Tokitoki and take over the Time Nest but she defeated and sealed him away in the Crack of Time. Future Trunks then attempts to aid Goku and Gohan shortly after Broly went berserk. Sometimes we have questions about: “How tall is future trunks?” At the moment, 13.01.2020, we have next information/answer: 1,76m. This movie `` Hey sick the way you act like this, Trunks was then defeated, the... Trunks resembles Vegeta first uses this form on its own, or in combination his. The erased Future timeline King Kai 's Planet where he is not the same Trunks he knows )! Instructs the pair to do anything unless Goku is n't resurrected, because he had recovered and awake. Growth and does the same Time Balls before ruined city the Lone.... Meets Vegeta in the past fights as an example: the history - the Lone Warrior Shin Dabura... 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